Hello everyone!

Merry Christmas and almost Happy New Year!
It has been awhile since I last wrote, but it also has been awhile since the end of Chemo! It was one year ago on the 27th that I had my final chemo treatment. It’s hard to believe a year has already gone by, as it still feels like yesterday. I still taste the chemo in my mouth just thinking about it! Of course, the scars from the port and biopsy remain, and the nerve damage or sensitive nerves in my hands and feet are still bothersome, especially in this cold weather! (Well, today it’s 60 outside!)

My website was down for awhile due to technical problems, and I just didn’t have the time to remedy the situation. November and December were as busy as I ever remember them being.
I had another 6-month CT scan at the end of November. All looks good! The remaining mass/scar tissue in my chest continues to shrink. It may never totally go away, but should continue to shrink over time. I feel great. I’m due for a checkup with the radiation oncologist in February, and another CT sometime in May.

I’ve gained some weight over the summer and fall, but I’ve also been going to the gym! I hired a personal trainer, found a great local gym, and things have been going very well. In just a month I notice many positive changes. It’s not exactly cheap, but it is nothing compared to the medical bills I’ve been dealing with! My trainer, Sam, is great, and has an Instagram channel. It’s a little embarrassing for me, but I’ve allowed him to share some of my story and our workouts on his channel.

Well going to the gym isn’t only because I have felt fat and had a harder time fitting into my jeans! I’ve got another reason to be getting in shape –
Most of you regular readers probably know by now, but Luyang and I are expecting our first child in late April! Such good news for us! Of course we were worried that the cancer treatments might rend me impotent. Not so! Luyang had a rough go of things for the first trimester, but now is feeling much better aside from the usual pregnancy aches and pains. Baby is very active and everything looks good so far. We can’t wait to welcome baby to the world in just a few months! (keeping the gender a surprise!)

We’ve got a lot of work to do before baby arrives. Bella and Flurry have prepared us well for parenthood, but I’m sure there’s so much more to learn!
A whole new journey awaits – hopefully a good one! My what a difference a year can make.
I hope you all are well, and are looking forward to the new year!